The Risks of Directly Cooking in Copper Vessels: A Guide

Copper vessels have been used for cooking for centuries due to their excellent heat conductivity and aesthetic appeal. However, cooking directly in copper vessels can pose certain health risks. This article aims to guide you through the potential dangers of cooking in copper vessels directly, and why it is recommended to use a lining such as aluminium foil.

The Dangers of Cooking Directly in Copper Vessels

Copper is a trace mineral that is essential for human health. However, excessive copper can be harmful. When acidic foods are cooked in unlined copper vessels, they can react with the copper to form copper salts, which are toxic when consumed in large amounts. Symptoms of copper poisoning include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. In severe cases, it can lead to liver damage and kidney failure.

Why Use a Lining?

Using a lining such as aluminium foil or stainless steel in copper vessels can prevent the leaching of copper into food. This is especially important when cooking acidic foods like tomatoes, vinegar, or citrus fruits. The lining acts as a barrier between the food and the copper, preventing any chemical reactions.

What About Tin-Lined Copper Vessels?

Tin-lined copper vessels are a popular choice among professional chefs. Tin is non-reactive and provides a smooth cooking surface. However, tin has a low melting point and can wear off over time, exposing the copper underneath. Therefore, tin-lined copper vessels need to be re-tinned periodically to maintain their safety.

How to Safely Use Copper Vessels

  • Always use a lining when cooking in copper vessels. If the lining wears off, have the vessel re-lined or stop using it.

  • Avoid cooking acidic foods in unlined copper vessels.

  • Do not store food in copper vessels. Copper can react with certain foods, especially if they are acidic.

  • Keep your copper vessels clean. Copper can tarnish over time, which can affect its reactivity.


While copper vessels are excellent conductors of heat and add a touch of elegance to your kitchen, it’s important to use them safely to avoid potential health risks. Always use a lining when cooking in copper vessels, avoid cooking acidic foods in unlined vessels, and keep your copper cookware clean and well-maintained.